Academics - Assessments - ASQ
- Only Pre-K and Kindergarten families need to complete the ASQ Screenings.
- If your child is attending pre-k and is already on an IEP you do not need to complete the ASQ Screenings.
- If you choose to complete the screenings today as part of the enrollment process you would click on the "I am screening my child today" button. If you choose to complete the screening today please answer the questions to the best of your ability.
- Please complete the screenings before September 15.
Because your child’s first 5 years of life are so important, we want to help you provide the best start for your child. You’ve been asked to participate in two Ages and Stages Questionnaires. One questionnaire is the Third Edition (ASQ-3), online screening to help you keep track of your child’s development. You will be asked to answer questions about some things your child can and cannot do. The questionnaire includes questions about your child’s communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal social skills.
Another questionnaire is the Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social Emotional Second Edition (ASQ: SE 2) online screening to provide a quick check of your child’s social and emotional development. You will be asked to answer questions about some of your child’s behaviors. The questionnaire includes questions about your child’s ability to calm down, take direction and follow rules, communicate, perform daily activities (e.g., eating, sleeping), act independently, demonstrate feelings, and interact with others.
To complete the screenings please click the link of the elementary school your child is attending. If you have questions about the screenings and/or need assistance in completing the screenings please reach out to your family advocate. Links to each building's page are below: