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Health and Wellness

Wellness Policy


JUNE 12, 2006

Physical Activity


• All students in grades K-12 will have opportunities, support and encouragement to be physically active on a regular basis.


• Recess occurs before lunch especially at the elementary schools and the middle school level if logistically practical.


• All classroom teachers practice the Quantum Learning techniques to keep students active frequently throughout the day aside from normal recess time.


• Further it is recommended that the district work toward the development of a more "student friendly" form of physical education for those students who are less competitive or able to perform as rigorously as others. It is also recommended that a non-coed class be offered for students who desire such a class.


• The district and the community work together to seek the development of walking trails and/or bike paths to encourage family involvement in improving physical well-being.




• McPherson USD 418 will continue to participate in available federal school nutrition programs.


• A qualified food service program will provide students with access to a variety of affordable, nutritious, and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students.


• Foods and beverages sold or served at school will meet or exceed the nutrition recommendations of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans.


• Reduce the fat content of foods routinely offered not only in the Class A lunch but also the a la carte items.


• Reduce the number of less healthy a la carte items to encourage students to make healthier choices.


• Raise prices of some less healthy a la carte items to encourage purchase of other healthier items.


• Where needed, reduce the size of servings especially for French fries and other foods of MNV (limiting serving French fries (a la carte at MMS) to two days a week and eventually one day a week).


• Serve more whole wheat products as they become available from vendors.


• Work toward providing snack items that have fewer than 200 calories and 5 grams of fat (nuts excluded).


• A salad bar will be available at least several days a week and eventually every day.


• Current beverage standards will be maintained at the middle school and high school (low fat or skim milk, water, calorie-free flavored water, juices with at least 50% fruit juice. Gatorade should not be available to middle school students and be limited at the high school.


• Students will be provided with adequate time to eat in settings that are clean, safe, and pleasant.

Nutrition Education


• McPherson USD 418 will provide nutrition education to foster lifelong habits of healthy eating and physical activity, and will establish linkages between health education, school nutrition programs and related community services.


• Students at the elementary level will receive 5 hours (per year) of nutrition education at each grade level (to meet the Basic level). An FNP grant through K-State Research and Extension to begin this program starting with Lincoln and Roosevelt schools


• Guidelines for healthy snacks developed and included in the elementary and middle school handbooks.

• Candy should be discouraged as a reward or treat in classrooms.


• Information made available to parents to encourage healthy eating at home which also includes making healthy snacks available.


• Schools will continue to use professionals in the community, registered dietitians, K-State Research and Extension, and FACS teachers to assist in providing nutrition education especially at the elementary level.