General Information
Navigating the school calendar, activities and resources can be overwhelming! We’re here to help. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, simply call our Central Office (620) 241-9400, and we’ll be happy to point you in the right direction.
Looking to reach a particular school?
- McPherson High School:
801 E 1ST ST, MCPHERSON, KS 67460 PHONE: (620) 241-9500
- McPherson Middle School:
700 E ELIZABETH ST, MCPHERSON, KS 67460 PHONE: (620) 241-9450
- Eisenhower Elementary:
301 WICKERSHAM DR, MCPHERSON, KS 67460 PHONE: (620) 241-9430
- Lincoln Elementary:
900 N. ASH, MCPHERSON, KS 67460 PHONE: 620-241-9540
- Roosevelt Elementary:
800 S WALNUT ST, MCPHERSON, KS 67460 PHONE: (620) 241-9550
- Washington Elementary:
128 N PARK AVE, MCPHERSON, KS 67460 PHONE: (620) 241-9560
School Hours
Bell Schedule
Elementary School
M, Tu, Th, F 8:05 AM - 3:05 PM
W 8:05AM - 2:30 PM
Middle School
M, Tu, Th, F 8:10 AM - 3:10 PM
W 8:10 AM - 2:35 PM
High School
M, Tu, Th, F 7:50 AM - 2:50 PM
W 7:50 AM - 2:20 PM
Athletic Physicals
All students who participate in competitive athletics must present completed physical examination and parental consent forms prior to their participation in practice. Parents are encouraged to schedule their child's examination well in advance of the beginning of any sport season. Forms may be obtained at the high school, middle school, central office, or downloaded from the district website under "forms".
Foreign Exchange Students
Foreign exchange students shall be admitted to the district on a tuition-free basis. the district may accept a maximum of one percent of the prior year's audited headcount enrollment grades 8-11. The exchange programs must be officially recognized by the board of education and in accordance with guidelines adopted by the board ( a complete list of guidelines may be obtained by calling the superintendent's office.)
Admission of exchange students shall be made only at the beginning of a school year. All arrangements for admission in the fall semester must be concluded by August 1. For further information, contact the MHS's principal's office at 241-9500.
Head Start
McPherson County Head Start is a federally funded program for economically disadvantaged children, ages three to five, and their families
To qualify the family must live in McPherson or Marion Counties, must meet the federal income guidelines, and the child must be at least three years of age by August 31.
Enrollment is open to children regardless of race, sex, creed, color, national origin or handicapping conditions. Special services are provided for children with disabilities. Service available include health, social services, education, and parent involvement.
Health Assessment
All new Kansas school entrants (age 8 and under) must complete a child health assessment within 12 months prior to school entry or within 90 days after school entry. Qualified providers include physicians or the county health office. The health assessment includes health history, physical exam, and other screening tests as medically indicated. Reporting forms are available at each school.
Kansas law requires that students entering a Kansas school for the first time must present evidence of immunization, that at least one dose of each vaccine has been received, or that a medical or religious exception has been claimed. Evidence of the above information must be provided by a signed Kansas Certificate of Immunization (KCI). The only exception allowed is for pupils transferring into this district and who are awaiting transfer of records. Upon enrollment, the parents will be given a KCI with instructions for completion or the KCI may be obtained from the McPherson County Health Department (241-1753) or the family physician. The immunization requirements include inoculations against diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, poliomyelitis, mumps, rubella (German measles), rubeola (measles), hepatitis B, and varicella (chicken pox).
Preschool Screening
The McPherson County Special Education Cooperative holds monthly screenings throughout the school year. The location for screenings alternates between sites in McPherson and sites in other mcPherson County school districts. Screenings offer vision, hearing, speech/language, health and developmental skills testing free of charge for all children from infancy to five years. Nutrition screening is included for children age birth through two.
Substance Abuse Policy
For more information regarding the policy, or to download the necessary forms, click the links below:
McPherson USD 418 resident students living outside the city limits are provided transportation to and from their assigned building. Specific information about bus routes may be obtained by calling student transportation at241-6830. School transportation is also provided for participants in curricular, co-curricular, and athletic activities outside of the school district. The following practices relate to arranging services and loading/unloading:
- Bus drivers will load and unload students without going into driveways when conditions are such that the safety of the student is not threatened.
- Bus drivers will wait one minute for a student to arrive at the bus before proceeding to the next stop.
- Parents are to call the student transportation office prior to the first day of school so that they can be made aware of the pick-up times for their children.
Student Fees
School Supply Lists