School Board Information
Election Information
Changes in School Board Election Process
In 2015, the Kansas Legislature passed HB 2104, which changed local election dates, including school board elections.
Previously school board general elections were held in the spring of odd-numbered years. The new law now requires these elections to be held on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November of odd-numbered years. If necessary, primary elections will be held on the first Tuesday in August of odd numbered years.
A brief listing of dates of interest include:
Primary election – Tuesday, August 1, 2023
General election – Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Method of Elections/Voting Plans
Changes in the local method of election and/or voting plan may be made between the first Wednesday in November of an even-numbered year and ending the first Tuesday in June of odd-numbered year, if the change is also approved in an election before the end of the period.
Terms of Office
Term expiration dates for board members is the second Monday in even numbered years (i.e. January 13, 2020).
Newly-elected school board members will take office on the second Monday in January following the election.
Members of the Board of Education invite you to be involved with your schools. Your questions and comments are always welcome.